The guest was Rear Admiral Leendert “Len” Hering Sr. (U.S. Navy retired), the Executive Director of the Center for Sustainable…
Dr. Dave Clayton of the Total Health Center earned his BS from the Stevens Institute of Technology, an MBA from…
This Saturday’s show will feature returning guest, Sean Puckett from Regents Bank, and executive director of the mentoring group, Boys…
Listen to Podcast of the Show Democratic Scott Peters joined us for a pre-election call at the top of the…
The show featured an interview with writer and public policy analyst at the firm Consultant, William Lanouette. He earned his…
Art Barter returned to the show to discuss some of his upcoming events with Richard and Joe. The Servant Leadership…
Listen to Podcast of the Show Richard and Joe welcomed Rod Roddenberry, son of Gene Roddenberry who created Star Trek,…
Richard and Joe broadcasted live from the Beachfront Benefit for the Pequeño Eden and Corazón de Vida orphanages in Baja,…
Listen to Podcast of the Show Richard and Joe interviewed Jeffrey Krinsk, co-founder of the national plaintiff’s class action ligation…
W. Patrick Edwards, owner of Antique Refinishers Inc. and the American School of French Marquetry Inc., joined the show this…