Founder of Hazel’s Army | Aaron Byzak
Read moreRichard and Joe sat down and talked to local activist, Aaron Byzak, who is the founder of Hazel’s Army. Mr. Byzak and his advocacy group have spearheaded reform in the laws and health codes governing assisted living communities and state-run retirement facilities. Along the way, they have discovered the benefits of bridging the gap between the school children and the Greatest Generation. Now Hazel’s Army also facilitates education about World War II by encouraging the grandchildren of that generation to re-tell their grandparents stories.
Listen to a podcast of Aaron Byzak’s interview!
UBS Professional Recognition
Drew Freides and Michael Kanigher have been recognized as industry leaders. Drew Freides Barron’s Top 100 Financial Advisors, 2015 Drew Freides Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors, 2015 Drew Freides & Michael Kanigher Financial Times Top 400 Financial Advisor, 2015 Michael Kanigher Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors, 2014, 2015 Drew Freides Barron’s Top 1,000 Financial Advisors, 2013Read moreThe Wrecking Crew Documentary
Richard and Joe welcomed director and producer, Denny Tedesco. Mr. Tedesco is the son of the late American master session musician and renowned jazz and bebop guitarist, Tommy Tedesco, in The Wrecking Crew. When his father was diagnosed with terminal cancer, Denny decided that the world needed to hear the story of the studio musicians ...Read moreNeal Stehly and Health Care Reform
The show welcomed a new sponsor, Marrs Maddocks & Associates A Division of HUB International Insurance Services Inc. Neal Stehly, executive Vice President, Benefits Division of sponsor is a native of San Diego. He attended the University of San Diego, earning a degree in political science. He has been in the the Employee Benefits field ...Read moreBuilding Trust and Resolving Conflicts
This was the third and final segment of interviews with presenters from the 5th Annual Servant Leadership Institute’s National Conference. Richard first interviewed Steven M.R. Covey, who is one of the three keynote speakers of the conference. Mr. Covey has long been a thought leader on the topic of leadership. His book, The SPEED of ...Read more
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