Art Barter returned to the show to discuss some of his upcoming events with Richard and Joe. The Servant Leadership Institute will be hosting three workshops this Fall.
October 23rd: The Little Foxes: Engaging the Outliers. This workshop will focus on how to engage the small group of people in every community that undermine the goals and conventions of the greater whole. The workshop gives several strategies to help these individuals become more productive.
October 29th: Rising Above: Thriving in the Face of Adversity with Servant Leadership. Art Barter will talk about the benefits of being a leader with a servant’s heart. He will talk about how leaders can guide those around them through tough, turbulent and prosperous times.
November 7th: Finally, the Fall workshops will close with Servant Leadership 101: The Road Best Traveled This workshop will be an in-depth study of how Servant Leadership was implemented at Datron World Communications.
All of the workshops will be held at the Servant Leadership Institute in Carlsbad (map it), from 8:00am – 12:00pm.
Listen to a podcast of Art Barter’s interview!
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